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The Charest Family, Descendants of Ildephonse and Emilie (Frenchette) Charest
A family photograph of all nine children of Ildephonse and Emilie (Frenchette) Charest. Taken during a family reunion in the early 1980s. This was the last time all nine children were together, as Margaret would pass several years later.
From Left to right, top row:
Rita, Noella, George, Lucille, Margaret
Second Row:
Clair, Joe, Armand, Theresa
Owner/Source | Richard Hurteau |
Place | Millville, Massachusetts |
File name | IMG_1619 (1).jpg |
File Size | 1.68m |
Dimensions | 4032 x 3024 |
Linked to | Family: Charest/Frechette (F1); CHAREST, Claire; CHAREST, Joseph Armand Gabriel; CHAREST, Louis George; CHAREST, Lucille; CHAREST, Marguerite; CHAREST, Marie Rita Elmire; CHAREST, Noella; CHAREST, Rosaire Adelard; CHAREST, Therese Joan D'Arc |
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