REICHELT, Martha Alwine

Name REICHELT, Martha Alwine - Potential differences in name order. On her birth certificate her name order is shown as "Alwine Martha." However, on all other documents in this collection her name order is shown as "Martha Alwine." On her headstone, her name is shown as "Martha A Wilkens."
In this genealogy, her name is consistently used as "Martha Alwine" for the sake of consistency and database search-ability.
Martha's name is misidentified on her death certificate. Instead of "Martha Alwine Wilkens," her name is listed as "Martha Herta Wilkens."
Nickname Martha Born 18 Jan 1894 Doberlug-Kirchhain, Germany Gender Female Died 6 Apr 1967 - Potential inconsistency in the listed date of death. Based upon the recollections of family members, Martha Wilkens was killed in a pedestrian auto accident on a Monday evening. The listed date of death is a Thursday.
Buried 11 Apr 1967 Pinelawn Memorial Park, Famingdale, New York - Burial Plot
Block: 8-30 | Range: 5 | Mall: - | Plot: 12 | Grave: 3
Person ID I33 Charest Genealogy | Members of The Wilkens Family Last Modified 11 Nov 2022
Father REICHELT, Richard Reinhold Mother BEYER, Anna Alwine Geborene Family ID F17 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family WILKENS, Erich Bernhardt, b. 29 Apr 1901, Blexen, Germany , d. 24 Oct 1978, Burlingham, New York
(Age 77 years)
Married 4 Feb 1927 Manhatten, New York City, New York Type: Civil Wedding Children + 1. WILKENS, Martha Hertha, b. 20 Oct 1927, Manhatten, New York City, New York , d. 1 Mar 2019, McMinnville, Tennessee
(Age 91 years)
Photos Family Photo of Martha (Charest) WIlkens, Her Father and four children
Family Photo of Martha (Charest) Wilkens, Her Father and four children. The family was wishing farewell to Erich Wilkens (Mom's father), who was leaving for a visit to Germany within a few days. Location was Queens, New York, in front of the house Erich was living in at the time.
Names from top left to right;
Martha (Charest) Wilkens, Ronald Charest, Erich Wilkens, Melinda Charest,
Second row, left to right:
Jeffery Charest, Howard Charest
Photo taken Spring 1972Documents Marriage Certificate of Erich Wilkens and Martha Reichelt
Marriage Certificate of Erich Wilkens and Martha Reichelt. Married February 4, 1927, Manhatten, New York City, New YorkLast Modified 28 Feb 2016 Family ID F19 Group Sheet | Family Chart
- Potential differences in name order. On her birth certificate her name order is shown as "Alwine Martha." However, on all other documents in this collection her name order is shown as "Martha Alwine." On her headstone, her name is shown as "Martha A Wilkens."
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Photos Death Certificate of Martha Alwine (Reichelt) Wilkens
Death Certificate of Martha (Reichelt) Wilkens. Martha was killed crossing a street in Woodbridge, Virginia while her and her husband Eric were driving down to Florida on a spring vacation. Martha was struck by a car going at high speed and reportedly died instantly. Her body was brought back to Long Island, New York, and she was laid to rest at Pinelawn Memorial Park, Farmingdale.
Martha's name is misidentified on her death certificate. Instead of "Martha Alwine Wilkens," her name is listed as "Martha Herta Wilkens, which was the name of her daughter."Believed to be the family of Martha Alwine Reichelt, About 1955
Believed to be the family of Martha Alwine (Wilkens) Reichelt. About 1955, Martha traveled back to Germany in 1955 for the first time since she left in 1923Martha and Erich Wilkens, and their daughter Martha. Taken about 1950
Martha and Eric Wilkens and their daughter Martha. Family photograph taken about 1950.Martha Alwine (Reichelt) Wilkens and Martha Hertha Wilkens 1928
Alwine Martha (Reichelt) Wilkens and her daughter Martha Hertha Wilkens, 1928, taken in Central park, New YorkMartha (Wilkens) Reichelt, Howard Charest, Melinda Charest, Rita (Danese) Charest
Martha (Wilkens) Reichelt, Howard Charest, Melinda Charest, Rita (Danese) Charest, photo taken about 1964, most likely in a park on Long Island. Rita would visit Armand Charest and his family often while Armand's family lived in Farmingdale, Long Island, New York. Martha (Wilkens) Reichelt lived in South Ozone Park, Queens and also visited with the family often. Although Martha (Wilkens) Reichelt never learned to drive, her daughter Martha would come over from Farmingdale to pick her up for a day's outing.Newspaper Death Notice, Martha Alwine (Wilkens) REICHELT
Newspaper death notice for Martha Alwine (Wilkens) REICHELT. This would have been published in a Long island, New York, newspaper. This notice expands on the question of Martha Reichelt's correct middle name - Alwine or Hertha
Documents German Passport Issued to Martha Alwine Reichelt
German passport photograph of Martha Alwine Reichelt. This is most likely the passport she used to emigrate to the United States. Issued in Dresden, Germany 27 July 1923.Passport cover issued to Martha Alwine Reichelt
Passport cover issued to Martha Alwine Reichelt, Dresden, Germany, 27 Jul 1923.Passport Photo of Martha Alwine (Reichelt) Wilkens
Passport photo of Martha (Reichelt) Wilkens with US Immigration and Naturalization reentry stamp of September 21, 1955. Martha took a trip back home to Germany to visit family, her first trip home since emigrating in 1923. The embossed stamp shows this was a US passport; Martha had become a naturalized US citizen in 1934.Naturalization Certificate of Martha (Reichelt) Wilkens
Naturalization Certificate of Martha (Reichelt) Wilkens). Issued March 1, 1934, in Long Island City, New York.Birth Certificate of Martha Alwine Reichelt
Birth Certificate of Martha Alwine Reichelt. Born in Stadt Dobrilugk, Germany, January 18, 1984. This document appears to be a replacement birth certificate as it seems to have been issued 31 August 1955. This coincides with a trip Martha took back home to Germany that same year.
Headstones Burial Marker for Martha and Erich Wilkens
Burial Marker for Martha and Erich Wilkens. This particular section of the cemetery did not allow raised headstones.
Notes - Alwine Reichelt's place of birth appears to be variously spelled as:
1) Dobrilugk - Kirchhain
2) Doberlug - Kirchhain
3) Kreis Fissterwalds N.L.
For this genealogy record, the name spelling used is "Doberlug - Kirchhain" which appears to be the location recognized by the Google search engine - Alwine was trained as a seamstress while still living in Germany, and emigrated to the United States as a skilled laborer.
- Alwine Reichelt's place of birth appears to be variously spelled as: